Saturday, August 24, 2013


I can't believe I have a Freshman!  It's really not possible is it?  I mean I'm only 28 years old :) Looking through my news feed today earlier this week,  all the pictures of my friends sending their kid off to preschool, and I remember the day I sent Dylan to his first day.  I thought he would be scared and wouldn't want me to leave him, but it was the exact opposite.  I was scared, my little boy riding the bus with all these older kids, walking to his classroom without me by his side.  As soon as he walked away, the tears started, how could my boy be growing up so fast?

It's not preschool, but look how little he was!

Fast forward to this year, first day of school was Monday and much like his first day of preschool, I dropped him off for his first day of high school, ok, ok, he had physical therapy in the morning so I had to take him to school, when he turned and walked through those high school doors the tears started, my little boy is growing up, soon he'll be driving by himself and wouldn't need me to transport him to his activities.  In the blink of an eye he'll be graduating and going off to college, living on his own.

<3 Julie

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